Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Artisan 11th Annual Beanie Exhibition!!!

Red felt, metallic crochet, embroidery. Bird cage: brass wire, wood and heart shaped bead

Yesterday, with much excitement I delivered my beanie to Artisan Bookshop for the 11th Annual Beanie Exhibition! I have never before participated in this event and though it might be fun to have a go. With over 300 entries, there's surely something for everyone's taste!

Artisan Beanie Exhibition

9th - 30th July 2011

159 Gertrude Street

Fitzroy, VIC 3065

Ph. (03) 9416 4805

Mon-Fri 10am - 5:30pm

Saturday 11am - 4:30pm

Saturday, June 18, 2011

love that Lopi!!!

Still unwell, but now I'm suffering from sciatica and a ruptured disc.....not fun, and limits my mobility terribly. So in the foreground I'm working on some art projects for exhibits in the following months (photos to be published once the exhibits have commenced,) and in my recovery mode I'm still knitting! I bought this Lopi wool just a year or two after landing on the shores of this great land and have finally dove into using it! The previous cardigan for my husband, and now a smaller version, minus pockets and in a lighter shade for myself. The humble rustic-ness of this yarn reminds me of why I began knitting in the first place, the love of a simpler life.

Monday, June 6, 2011

New Cardigan for Hubby

Still under the weather and now Hubby is sick as well. But I've managed to finish knitting him a lovely warm cardigan out of Icelandic Lopi wool. Sabbath the cat has taken a liking to it as well!